Cara Pasang LinkWithin Pada Blog

Apakah anda tidak tertarik untuk menambahkan LinkWithin pada blog anda ?
Kalau tertarik berikut cara pasang LinkWithin pada blog

Pertama anda harus login ke :
Kemudian masukkan email, nama blog dst. dan akan muncul seperti dibawah ini selanjutnya ikuti petunjuk.

Install Widget on Blogger

1. Click Install Widget to open Blogger in a new window, and follow the steps below in that window. Login to your Blogger account if necessary.
2. Select a blog if you have more than one, then click on Add Widget.

3. (Optional) For better performance, Drag and Drop the LinkWithin box under the "Blog Posts" box.

4. Click on Save.

And you're done! The widget should now appear on your blog.
If there is a technical problem with the widget, visit our support page
NOTE: The quality of recommended stories will improve once we complete our crawl of your blog. This may take up to several hours, depending on the number of stories in your blog.

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2 komentar:

Owl mengatakan...

aku dah pasang linkwithin sih,,,tapi template yang sekarang gak bisa munculin linkwithin...template blogku sebelumnya sih bisa...knapa ya? by

hitz4blogger mengatakan...

Wah..kalau itu sih ga tau ya...
tp kalau sy cek blognya emang lain dr yg lain,kemungkinan tempalte ga bisa utk linkwithin

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